We are glad you are connecting with English Fellowship Church! We trust that God will guide you in your journey with Jesus, and use EFC as a part of that journey as He sees fit.
Please feel free to contact us with questions or comments by filling out the form below:
contact information
Email/Correo Electrónico:
593 - 02 - 226-6612
Church Sanctuary: Brasil N39-172 (one block north of Av. America; east side of the street)
Church Offices: Calle San Francisco N39-89 y Av. America
Office Hours/Horarios:
Monday – Friday, 8:30am-12:30pm, or by appointment.
Los Lunes hasta el Viernes, 08h30 – 12h30, o con cita previa.
EFC; Casilla 17-17-691; Quito, Ecuador