Thessalonians Sermon Series Graphic.png

Every single follower of Jesus has an important question to wrestle with. How can we stand firm and faithfully follow Jesus, regardless of what comes our way in life? There are lots of things that can come in and divert us from living for Jesus and following Him. Sometimes, it is temptation to sin that can derail us in our walks with Jesus. Sometimes it is deception that can lead us astray. We begin to believe a lie, and eventually we find ourselves far from the One True God. Or perhaps the issue is suffering. Suffering can come at us from many different sides – difficult circumstances likepoverty or broken relationships; sickness that won’t go away; unanswered prayers we can’t understand; or evenoutright persecution for being a follower of Jesus. There are a lot of things that can try to divert us from standing firm in our faith, and following Jesus faithfully. This becomes especially heightened when we remember that we have an enemy who would like nothing more than to lead us away from Jesus. We need to know how we can stand firm and faithfully follow Jesus. This is what we will explore in this series on Paul’s letters to the church in Thessalonica.

Click here for the second part of the sermon.

Click here for the second part of the sermon.

[15/March/2020: Text not available for this sermon as this was the first sermon when EFC transitioned to online gathered worship due to the current pandemic. Only the FB Live video is available and it comes in two parts. Click the image on the right for the first part and click the text below the image for the second part.]

[Text Not Available]

[Audio Not Available]